H.E. Mr. John Neary, Ambassador of Ireland to Japan
Your Excellency, Ambassador John Neary
It is truly a great honour for the Takamastu South Rotary Club that you generously accepted our invitation to attend our meeting today. Your presence is the culmination of the first series of meetings in which six Ambassadors have graced our Club.
As I am sure you know well, Mr. Ambassador, Rotary Clubs are established in hundreds of countries, with over 30,000 clubs and more than one million members worldwide. We are made up of neighbours, community leaders and global citizens of various race, colour, creed, gender, political and religion affiliations. We come together not only for friendship but more importantly to work together, passionately and selflessly, for the betterment and prosperity of all humankind.
I understand your Excellency that you are particularly fond of music, and so I think it is particularly apt that we talk about the beautiful music that humanity has the potential to play. As musicians in this great orchestra of mankind we are all, of course, different instruments – each with our unique sounds and notes. Yet, it is only when we come together, in all our magnificent diversity, but playing from a single music sheet, that we can raise the most delightsome melody that can touch the hearts and inspire the actions of all those who hear our music. Indeed, music is known as the ladder of the soul. However, our world is now in great pain and difficulty. Some instruments are playing their own tune, a few are trying to drown out the sounds of the rest, while some just delight in reading the notes but make no sound. However, it is not through the suppression of differences that we will achieve this unity, but rather by a greater respect for the intrinsic value of each individual. It is not diversity that is the cause of the world’s problems, but our immature attitude towards it, and our intolerance and misconceptions of others.
Mr. Ambassador, we are certain that this concept of the unity in diversity of mankind can best be promoted by breaking through the shackles of prejudice and enmity, and forming greater bonds of friendship and cooperation – such as by meetings like today. As I am sure everyone knows, in 2012 Ireland was ranked as the seventh most developed nation in the world (by the United Nations' Human Development Index), and so there is much for us to learn about the great Republic of Ireland, and there are many ways that we can begin to make great music together.
It is therefore with great joy that we welcome you, your Excellency, to our great city of Takamatsu, and hope that this will be a new start of friendship and cooperation between us.
アイルランド駐日大使 ジョン ニアリー 閣下
6/14・15 RAC地区大会に多くの会員に登録・出席頂き、有難うございました。