Takamatsu South Rotary Club

創 立 1957(昭和32)年4月26日

承 認 1957(昭和32)年5月29日

This Certifies that the Rotary Club of Takamatsu South,Japan having been duly organized and having agreed , through its officers and members , to be bound by the Constitution and By-Laws of Rotary International , which agreement is evidenced by the acceptance of this certificate , is now a duly admitted member of Rotary International and is entitled to all the rights and privileges of such membership .

In witness whereof the seal of Rotary International is hereto affixed and the signatures of its officers , duly authorized , are subscribed hereto this twenty-ninth day of May Anno Domini 1957 Gian Paolo Lang , President , Rotary International George R.Secretary , Rotary International Recommended by Arao Imamura , District Governor

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 箱松とは、その名の通り箱のかたちを装った松。樹芸の粋を極めた箱松は、ほかには見られない特別名勝 栗林公園ならではの景観をつくっています。
